he Catching Trend Reversals video was filmed in 2007 at one of Dr. Elder’s traders’ camps held in the Dominican Republic where I was his guest instructor.
Trend reversals refer to springs and upthrusts. Whenever I speak about trading and chart reading, I begin with the words “You can make a living trading springs and upthrusts.” Trading these setups represents the backbone of the Wyckoff method.
It involves establishing trades at the danger point where the risk is least and profit potential the greatest. This video contains detailed studies of springs and upthrusts on both stock and futures charts—across all time periods. Another section of the video deals with the areas on a chart where the highest frequency of trades appear. I compare finding trades to catching fish.
Anyone who has fished in a fresh water lake knows the fish are found around the edges. It’s the same with trades. Most of them occur along the edges of the trading ranges. This video is highly regarded and most buyers regularly re-play it over and over for its valuable information.