Van Tharp – How to Develop a Winning Trading System that Fits You (12 Audio CDs & Workbook), $795 Total size: 1.26 GB Contains: 17 folders 460 files Do You Want Bigger and More Consistent Profits From the Market? If you want consistency and would like to make profits from the market, you’ll want to attend this workshop. We’ll show you little-known, closely guarded secrets that you’re not likely to find unless you accidentally stumble upon them yourself. Are you a low-risk investor who just wants to make small, consistent profits each month with only an occasional loss? We can show you how to develop a system that will allow you to develop a unique methodology that will give you that kind of consistency! Are you a gutsy trader who’d like to make yearly profits of 100%, 200% or even 1,000% per year? Although risky, it is possible, and we can show you how to do it! The interesting thing is that you can do it in such a way that the only money you’re risking is the money you’ve already made from the market. That’s real leverage!
Van Tharp-如何开发一个适合你的获胜交易系统(12张音频CD和工作簿),$795总大小:1.26 GB包含:17个文件夹460个文件